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Touch of matrix®

How would it be to connect to the light within?


How would it be

How would it be to feel free again? How would it be to release all old pains? How would it be to become aligned with your strength? How would it be to feel energetic? And how would it be to really allow yourself to receive this?

We often are focussing on the things we don’t want. Because we don’t want the pain in our lower back, we don’t want to have a trauma, we don’t want to relapse into old patterns, we don’t want to fight with our boss. What is it you do want? A strong lower back, love & forgiveness, stability and mildness towards yourself or maybe understanding for your boss?

How would it be to enounce your desire and with that, set everything in motion for it to shift towards reality? Count yourself in for a miracle you make happening yourself.

What will you experience?

Wether it is a trauma, pattern or disappointment from years ago or yesterday, you ARE able to connect to the healing frequencies from within and fully let go. How would it be to be free from the limits it had on you?

We sometimes cling to the broken shards that continue to injure us. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually or physically. No matter where the pain is, it is a wound from your past. What would it be like to be completely free of that?

For those who are challenged by:
  • Depression or burn-out
  • (chronicle) Physical complaints
  • Fear or agression
  • Trauma
  • Limiting beliefs
  • Blockages that prevent growth
What will you experience:
  • Imprinting new patterns and behavioral changes
  • Becoming free from your burn-out
  • Helps release anxieties
  • Resolve chronicle complaints
  • Become free from trauma
  • Becoming emotionally more balanced

Touch of Matrix

One session of touch of matrix changed everything. Ever since that day I’m very much aware of the power in self-healing and Touch of Matrix. But also very much of ‘that what you focus on grows’.

With Touch Of Matrix (in training) we work on your personal themes and together we step into a field of trust. Trust that the energetic larger field can work with you to heal. This methodology begins with awareness and being conscious. Together we open up all the programs on your ‘hard drive’ so that your permission to let go goes into that field. And so give yourself space to heal. That healing is done by you. Not me. The only thing I do with you is to open your programs to be allowed to work with you and to help your energetic system to be put in motion.

With Touch Of Matrix working holistically becomes a next level change. Holistic treatments emphasize the whole body and mind. We will work with the physical body and your emotional and spiritual health. In these therapy sessions we will focus on the things you do want to achieve, and work on them with immediate result. Treatments are given with a minimum of three. In order to be able to go into the depths of your theme properly.

It already start with the intake questionnaire. It made me think about thing I had never even considered or even had talked about with my mum. During the intake I really felt heard, it felt safe for me to truly be open and to be myself. The session was followed by and experience in which my body was telling me more than my mind could understand and which Anne-Lotte translated for me; it helped me gain awareness. Anne-Lotte also has worked with my subconscious mind which resulted in feeling more free, having more rest and being able to detach from that what doesn’t serve me anymore. Amazing.

Z. Kanters

Do coaches need coaching? Surely! Otherwise we might think we have all the answers: been there, done that, got the T-Shirt attitude. What came out of the session with Anne-Lotte? "Watch your self-talk". Do you really want to have "chronic" pain? Autch. It is Anne-Lotte's energy that made it possible for me to be 'addressed to'. She is what she says. And with that I let myself be touched by a painful truth. And I know from experience that the solution can come in that way. And the "chronic" is fortunately already gone.

A. HenningTiara Int. LLC leadership development


Individual - duration 90 minutes €90

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